lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

my experience in English

Today I’m going to talk about my experience in English, which has been very productive because I think that I learned a lot and it has not been difficult at all, just good learnings. First of all the area that I have improved the most is the grammar because all the classes I learn how to make better sentences and how to use the verbs properly. Another area that I have improved a lot it’s in the vocabulary because these classes they have used a lot of vocabulary that they have never heard and I tried to use it in the blogs for example, to express new ideas that blogs have made me explore. In the subject of blogs they have made me question issues that I had not even raised in Spanish and that has helped me a lot to improve my English skills.
By way of self-criticism I think that the pronunciation is what I’m worst at, and improve that it´s very difficult for me because I do not even speak in Spanish with good pronunciation so I estimate that I will take a long time to learn well, but at least people can understand me, in fact I have been able to communicate when I needed it. I think here in Chile there are not so many opportunities to talk, read o listen in English 
much more than for movies or series so I don´t think that my day to day demands me a lot of English skills. 
Although lately I have started reading texts for the
university and I think that for that I will need it a lot in the future.

lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

Study Program

To be honest my study program it’s not so good, i don’t have bad grades but they are not the best either, so I didn’t try too hard until I realized that the grades it´s not too important  because the most important thing is to learn to use this knowledge in the future. In first place I think that the most important part of the learning process it´s in the class, all my life just listening I have been able to learn the most part of the matter, I don’t even know how to take good notes because I just need to listen carefully. If I learned to take good notes in my house I could remember even more, so I think that is one of the first things that I need to change. Another thing that costs me a lot is read all the books that are requested in the subject; in fact I only read what I want, what draws my attention, and that is not right because I leave out a lot of important reading what could interest me. Clearly my big problem is that I am lazy but every day I am trying to fight with myself to go to the class or read all that I can. I know that if I improve these things in the most minimum I could learn much more. And I know that this will happen with more intensity the next year because they will start there the mentions, and archaeology it is what I was waiting these 2 years.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

My opinions

In this blog im going to talk about different subjects about common things.
The first topic that i'm going to give my opinion its about have exotic animals as pets, in first place i'm not very happy with the fact of  have animals as pets in general because i think that the city its not their natural habitat so maybe they can be happy here but it's not where they belong. In the case of exotic animals its worse because they often need a lot of space or special food that we don't have in the city so they just get very depressed.
The second topic its about tattoos, I think that people give a lot of importance to the fact of paint their skins, always when the people ask me why I have tattoos they think that I give a special meaning to the tattoos, and they don't approve the fact that i did them because i just like them, and nothing else.
Another thing that I want to talk about its about the legalization of marijuana and the drugs in general, first of all I think that its too much people in the society that consume drugs to don't do anything or just prohibit them, so if they where legal, the state might make a lot of money that right now its making the drug traffickers and dealers.
The last topic its about women in the military, its a fact that in the present year should not be a subject of discussion because we all know that all the people independent of its gender can do the same things if their propose it. And in general I don't think there should not be military forces like we know them because the war evolved and its not with people and guns anymore.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

Area 51

Today im going to talk about one of the conspiracy theories that struck me most, and also is the one that i most know about. The area 51 caught my attention when I was very young, because all my favorites programs on the TV  were talking about it in the Discovery Channel so since that moment I started to inform myself to know more about the area. There is a lot of conspiracy theories about this area, either for military matters or for nuclear tests, but the one that I like the most its the OVNI theory, because I really think that there ir life out this planet. The aliens theories started in the 40s when a supposed OVNI falls into a farm  and then disappears at the hands of the military who were heading to area 51 and they never talk about it, thats te origin of ufology. Since that moment thoussands of mysterious disappearances started to scare people in the USA, neather the goberment nor the military clarified what was happening inside this area and why people who started to investigate dissapeared or they stoped to investigate without said something. Even people who stopped working in the area could not tell anything about what happens in there. There is a lot of people who has proves about how flying things can be seen over the area and others who also saw green people being transported to be studied in there. For all that reasons I think that strange things happen there inside but we will never know the truth.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

Game of Thrones

In the last weeks I met a television series that for many years had not interested me because I knew I would like it a lot. And that´s what happened to me, in 2 weeks I saw 7 seasons of one of the most popular series of all time. I spent a lot of time watching all the chapters, 77 approximately and one hour of duration each one. So in the last weeks I did not do so much more than watch Game of Thrones. I liked the series because it presents a medieval world that also has magic, but the most important thing in GOT are the fight between the families, or that´s what I liked the most.
Initially I started watching GOT because all of my friends tell me that was the greatest series ever, so by social pressure I was caught in the vice. Since then I started to understand all the conversations about GOT, for many years I did not know what they were talking about. The only bad thing about all of this was the fact that my friends enjoyed make me suffer telling me what was going to happen next in the series, that frustrated me a lot, but now it is not a problem because I am up to date with season 8, and I enjoy a lot seeing the new chapters with them. This series let a mark on me because I never see something so well done, all the details and the good plot makes me blow my mind.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

My future job

Every time when people ask me what im studing also ask what im going to do when I finish the career, and its okey because anthropology its not a comon career to the most of the people, so all the times I have to explain what anthropology means (what i think that it means) and explain that I want to be archeologist, which its one of the speciallitiations of the Anthropology and then explain that its not find dinnosaurs or be like Indiana Jones.
Be an archeologyst means to find human remains like bones or vases, even if they are little peaces, to estudy them and keep them safe. This means to me that im going to need to go to the places that most human remains can have, and places like this near to Santiago its a bit difficult to find, so I think (and want) to go far from Santiago to search places where I can find better matterial, be part of excavations or even work in a museum. Being an a archaelogist I can also work doing enviromental studies, but that is the second thing that I have in mind.

 Resultado de imagen para arqueologia

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

My Favorite Subject

This was the first semester in Anthropology, and we have a lot of subjects that the lot of us never have seen it before, and some of them was very difficult, others not. But if have to choose one of them I definitely take Human Evolution for the subject that I liked the most, because I think that it was the subject that I learned the most, and that was because all the weeks we have homework’s and books to read, we never have a time without thinking of what we need to do in Evolution. The other reason why I choose this subject, it’s because I think that the classes were most dynamic, in the sense that we have to do a lot of investigation in and out of the university, the works that they send to us, we have to do them usually out of the class room, one time we went to the zoo to see the monkeys, other time we went to Cajón del Maipo to do some ground investigation searching fossils and in another work we have to interview religious groups and ask what they think about the evolution of the human being. For that reasons is why I enjoy so much the subject, and I hope to have a similar subject in the future.