This was
the first semester in Anthropology, and we have a lot of subjects that the lot
of us never have seen it before, and some of them was very difficult, others
not. But if have to choose one of them I definitely take Human Evolution for
the subject that I liked the most, because I think that it was the subject that
I learned the most, and that was because all the weeks we have homework’s and
books to read, we never have a time without thinking of what we need to do in Evolution.
The other reason why I choose this subject, it’s because I think that the
classes were most dynamic, in the sense that we have to do a lot of
investigation in and out of the university, the works that they send to us, we
have to do them usually out of the class room, one time we went to the zoo to
see the monkeys, other time we went to Cajón del Maipo to do some ground
investigation searching fossils and in another work we have to interview religious
groups and ask what they think about the evolution of the human being. For that
reasons is why I enjoy so much the subject, and I hope to have a similar
subject in the future.
Human Evolution is the best subject! It will complement your dream of being Indiana Jones hahahahaha